Last updated: 2016/12/29
Fixed satellite communications services - Satellite transponder services leasing
Product name:
Satellite transponder bandwidth leasing
Product description:
(1) The satellite transponder is the communications relay equipment installed on the satellite, its mainly used received uplink signal from ground station then convert to downlink frequency, and transmitted to ground station after power amplifying.
(2) Chunghwa Telecom provides the bandwidth and power of ST-2 satellite C band and Ku band for the customer to set up their own network for satellite communications or TV broadcasting services.
Functions and features:
(1) Chunghwa Telecom could assist the customers with planning or build a satellite communications network system.
(2) Supply own ground station or lease from Chunghwa Telecom.
(3) The quote will be charged by bandwidth utilization and power utilization, will give discounts on long-term contract.
ST-2 satellite summary
Orbit slot: 88.0°E, Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)
Orbit controller : +/- 0.05 degrees
Satellite platform: Melco DS-2000
Design lifetime: Minimum of 15 years
End of lifetime: Minimum of 18.3 years
Launch vehicle: Ariane 5 ECA
ST-2 satellite platform parameter
Dry mass (kg): 1,988 kg
Fuel weight: 3,094 kg
Maximum power output @ solar array drive mechanism: 11.8 kW
Solar array paddle: 2 wings, 4 solar array pannels per wing
Battery model: Lithium-Ion batteries (LIB)
Telemetry, Command & Ranging(TC&R): C band
ST-2 satellite transponder
C band: 120 W traveling-wave tube amplifier (10:7)
Ku band K1: 150 W traveling-wave tube amplifier (11:8)
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Product price inquiry contact information:
(02)2344-4315 ; (02)2344-4301
The quote will be charged by bandwidth utilization and power utilization, USD3400/MHz; will give discounts on leasing over a long period of time.
Please contact to Satellite Department, International Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. for satellite transponder services.