Last updated : 2021/04/20

Mobile satellite communications

1.Thuraya mobile satellite communications services

The National Communications Commission approved Thuraya mobile satellite communications services on January 28, 2013.(Please refer NCC Official document number as No. 10241003270). And customers can apply Thuraya service include purchase terminal in 37 of listed CHT regular chain stores. The service is available for mountain climbers, shipping companies, sailors, Search and Rescue Staff, and international travelers for emergency communications.

The coverage of the Thuraya mobile satellite communications service includes 142 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The mobile satellite handset is water repellent, dustproof and shockproof, and has "GSM and satellite dual-mode." It is lightweight and the usage method is similar to the GSM phone. It offers long talk time and good voice quality, and it can always find a signal (almost communication blind area), making it suitable for areas with poor or no terrestrial mobile signal, such as marine and mountainous areas. Customers can purchase the satellite phone for this service from Chunghwa Telecom.

Product name (fax will no longer be supported from June 30, 2021)

Thuraya handheld satellite phone

Thuraya XT-Lite: Voice, SMS, GPS
Thuraya XT-Pro: Voice, GmPRS, SMS, GPS
Thuraya Satesleeve+/HotSpot: Satellite phone sleeve for combine with smartphone

Thuraya Satsleeve (no longer in production) Voice, GmPRS, SMS, GPS
Thuraya XT (no longer in production) Voice, GmPRS, SMS, GPS
Thuraya XT-Dual (no longer in production) Voice, GmPRS, SMS, GPS, GSM mode

Thuraya satellite internet equipment (broadband):
Thuraya IP
Thuraya IP+

Thuraya boardband Maritime communications equipment:
Orion IP

2.Domestic fixed-network calls to satellite mobile phones

Product description

Chunghwa Telecom provide fixed line and mobile phones to dial to Thuraya, Australia satellite, and Iridium satellite phone services. Meanwhile, CHT fixed line and mobile customer could communicate with Thuraya, Australia satellite, and Iridium satellite phone services.

Dial mode for domestic fixed-line and mobile phone to mobile satellite service

Thuraya satellite: 009 + 88216 X

Australian satellite: 009 + 61 14 X

Iridium: 009 + 8816 X

Last updated : 2021/04/20

Mobile satellite communications service rates

1.Thuraya mobile satellite communications service rates

Chunghwa Telecom's rates were adjusted (as follows) on March 1, 2021, in response to changes in Thuraya mobile satellite communications service fees

2.Rate plan of fixed-line dial to satellite phones

Unit: New Taiwan Dollars/6 seconds

Satellite telecom provider name

Country code

Peak period

Off-peak period



$68 for the first 6 seconds of each call, and $6.8 for each 6 seconds thereafter

Australia satellite








Peak period: 08:00 – 23:00, Mon – Fri

Off-peak period: 23:00 – 08:00 (next day), Mon – Fri; 00:00 Saturday – 08:00 Monday, national holidays

Related links

Last updated : 2021/04/20

Application method

1.Thuraya mobile satellite communications service application

Services started from February 1, 2013, and customers may apply at 37 of listed CHT regular chain stores. The application form has five pages:
The first page contains service plan content, including basic information for application, the applicant's information, service types, rate plans, procured equipment types, and delviery detials.
The second page is the Thuraya mobile satellite communications service contract; read carefully over two days.
The third page is the pre-paid service agreement; non-pre-paid services do not require an agreement.
The fourth and fifth pages are the disclaimer on collection of personal information.

When applying, please bring the application form and required certificates to the listed CHT regular chain stores. After the service staff check the certificates, and transfer to the satellite business office of the international branch to assign a specialist to take over. The service specialist will take the initiative to contact you to complete the application. If there is a one time charges for the application, such sim card setting fee, deposit, equipment fee, accessories,sim card top-up charges. Any one-time fees will be paid by remittance, and the service center does not accept cash payment for the time being. The following is the business remittance account information:

Receiving bank: Bank of Taiwan, Xinyi Branch
Account number: 054 031 038 397

For questions about the application or its completion progress, call our toll-free service hotline at 0800-080315.

2.Fixed-line/mobile IDD dial to Mobile satellite service

No need to application!

Any international direct dialing Chunghwa Telecom fixed-line or mobile phone can proceed by following the international direct dialing method.

If your landline or mobile phone cannot make satellite calls, check whether you have been restricted from international calls.

If your fixed-line or mobile phone is not from Chunghwa Telecom, ask your system operator if dialing Thuraya satellite phones is allowed.

Last updated : 2021/04/20

Dial to satellite phones from domestic fixedline and mobile phones

Thuraya satellite: 009 + 88216 X

Australian satellite: 009 + 61 14 X

Iridium: 009 + 8816 X