Last updated:2021/04/20

Chunghwa Telecom's Inmarsat-C account has the GMDSS function, which is necessary for ships to navigate international ocean and distress rescue. It can automatically warn and be located in the shortest time. GMDSS uses satellites and communication systems to connect ships in distress with search and rescue agencies on shore, ships in or near the ship in distress, when the search and rescue agencies receive the distress alert signal could acivate rescue activities as soon as possible. In addition, the system can also provide emergency safety communications and broadcast maritime safety information including navigational and meteorological safety warnings.


Inmarsat service change notice

Inmarsat's third-generation satellite will be decommissioned soon since it has reached the end of its design life. Some types of communication services will be terminated one after another. Users are requested to prepare alternative plans as soon as possible. The following is the scheduled timetable and alternative plans for the termination of various types of communication services:

Service type

Date discontinued

Alternative service

Land mini-M (fixed)

Afternoon of December 31, 2012


GAN (M4)

June 30, 2015


Land mini-M (portable and vehicle types)

June 30, 2015

BGAN、Isatphone Pro、 Thuraya

Inmarsat D+

December 2014



December 2014

Fleet Broadband

Maritime Mini-M

December 2016

Fleet Broadband, Isatphone Pro

For information on alternative services, contact Satellite Department, International Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. at 0800-080-315.

Last updated:2021/04/20

Explanation of Inmarsat Communications service rates

I.Shore-to-ship rate

: Unit: New Taiwan Dollars (NTD)

Direct Calls


Peak period/6 seconds
Standard/per 6-sec

Off-peak period/6 seconds
Reduced/per 6-sec


B-type voice



870+3Y+7 digits (Y=0-8)

M-type voice



870+6Z+7 digits (Z=1-9)

Mini-M/M4(GAN)/Fleet type voice



870+76+7 digits

BGAN type voice



870+77+7 digits

B-type HSD



870+39+7 digits

Mini-M/M4(GAN)/Fleet type HSD



870+60+7 digits




870+78+7 digits

Aviation type



870+5+8 digits


1.HSD (High Speed Data) is a digital line for the transmission of video and other digital content.

2.IDD direct dialing 009 and 019 charges can be cross-referenced; however, 009 is charged by unit for every six seconds, where anything less than six seconds is charged as six seconds; and 019 is charged by unit for every minute, where anything less than one minute is charged as one minute.

II.Ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship rates:

Inmarsat BGAN rate changed on October 1, 2020:
- Inmarsat BGAN (October 1, 2020)

Inmarsat C & Mini-C rate changed on January 1, 2021:
- Inmarsat C & Mini-C (January 1, 2021)

Inmarsat FBB rate changed on June 1, 2020:
- Inmarsat Fleet Broadband (June 1, 2020)

Rate changed on April 1, 2020:Ji-Wei-Yi-Zi No. 1090000043 NCC approved
- Inmarsat Fleet Broadband (April 1, 2020)
- Inmarsat BGAN (April 1, 2020)
Rate changed on November 1, 2019:Ji-Wei-Yi-Zi No. 1080000177 NCC approvaed
- Inmarsat GSPS (IsatPhonePro/Isatphone 2) (November 1, 2019)
Rate approved by National Communications Commission on March 1, 2018
- Inmarsat Fleet Broadband (March 1, 2018)
Rate approved by National Communications Commission on September 28, 2017
- Inmarsat Fleet Xpress
- Inmarsat Fleet Broadband
- Inmarsat C Mini-C
- Inmarsat BGAN
- Inmarsat GSPS (IsatPhonePro/Isatphone 2)

III.Inmarsat service application rate:

Activation fees

Service type

Charging standards

B type, C type, Mini-M type, M type, Fleet type, GAN (incl. BGAN) type

4,000//per device


8,000//per device


2,000//per device

Service application fees are paid by remittance; remittance information is as follows:
Receiving bank: Bank of Taiwan, Xinyi Branch
Recipient account name: International Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
Recipient account number: 054-031-038397

For service information (Satellite Department, International Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.): 0800-080-315 ;

Last updated : 2021/04/20

Inmarsat communication service types, including:

A, Aero, B, BGAN, BGAN M2M, C, D+, Fleet33, Fleet55, Fleet77, FleetBroadband, Fleet Phone, GAN, GSPS, GSPS Link, IsatM2M, IsatDataPro, M, Mini-M, SwiftBroadband, and others

Services included traditional and new types; applications for each are slightly different.

Equipment for traditional services such as Inmarsat B, C, Fleet, and Maritime Mini-M are certified and burned by Inmarsat

Inmarsat device initial sequence numbers (ISN) are inside of equipment. When using the communication services, the ISN is used to implement identification. Therefore, when applying for the account, the equipment information must be provided for Chunghwa Telecom to verify the account and activate the equipment.
For details on applications, see >> Application Notice

Applications for new services such as Inmarsat B, GSPS, and FleetBroadband

Equipment used in new services are also certified and issued a unique IMEI code. When using communication equipment, the IMSI code on the SIM card is used for identification.
After the account application is approved, Chunghwa Telecom issues an account card and activates the account. For details on applications, see >> Application Notice

For other types, such as aviation type, contact the handling unit for more information.

Application Notice for Inmarsat B, C, Fleet, Maritime Mini-M

To apply for the Inmarsat B, C, Fleet, or Maritime Mini-M number, complete the application forms (Chinese and English), and send the photocopies of certificates to the handling unit by registered mail.
Please note that the company does not have the authority to verify the accounts used by ships not registered with domestic ships, and must be transferred to foreign partners for processing. Please contact the undertaking window to confirm the relevant details.


Identification documents of the applicant. For company groups, attach the proof of registration documents and personal identification of the person in charge. For agencies, put the office seal on the application or present the official document,and dual identification (ID, driver's license, national health insurance card, passport).
New accounts must also provide proof of installation permission. If for use in a ship, attach the ship's registration documents or radio station license. For non-ship use, provide the project approval letter from the National Communications Commission.


For application costs and remittance information, see Cost for Service Application in the Rate Explanation.
If the ship is a foreign ship that is commissioning for station installation, the price will be decided on the price quoted by an operator in that ship's country. In general, each station installation is approximately US$150 to 300. It is also necessary to sign an agent contract with the accounting authority of that country. The accounting services provided by the accounting authority usually requires an annual account processing fee of US$250 to 500 (per device).A deposit of US$1,000 to 2,000 is also required (per ship).

Transfer of ownership: (Renamed)

Account transfer to other people requires transfer of ownership, otherwise accounts will need to be paid by the original account holder.
If you buy a ship or buy pre-owned satellite equipment and the seller's account has not been canceled and the account is assigned by Chunghwa Telecom, you can transfer ownership to save on processing costs.
Fill in the original account information (before the change) on the Chinese application. If the equipment you are transferring is part of GMDSS, you must fill in an English application.
To avoid disputes, attach the documentation proving that you obtained the equipment in addition to the documents required for station installation; such documents include ship sales contracts, receipts, or affidavit of the original account.
Attention: The account number used by the ship entails nationality issues, so ask the handling unit whether the transfer can be processed.

Change to billing address:

Only requires a Chinese application form. Check "change to address" on the application and then fill out the required information.
Attention: When the billing address and account name need to be changed at the same time for purpose of equipment transfer, the name change (transfer) method must be used.

Cancel account:

Complete the Chinese application form and check "cancel account." You can specify the cancellation date, and then fill in the equipment account number in the approved identification number space. If you do not know the account number, contact the handling unit to check for you.
Attention: Taiwanese ships are not charged when cancelling accounts, but they must still ensure that the outstanding communication fees are paid. Account cancellation for foreign ships shall be handled in accordance with the regulations of the Taiwanese operator of the original establishment.

Inmarsat BGAN, GSPS(IsatphonePro/Isatphone 2), FleetBroadband

To apply for Inmarsat BGAN, GSPS (IsatphonePro/Isatphone 2), or FleetBroadband accounts, complete the Chinese application form and attach photocopies of certificates and send to the handling unit by registered mail. After accepted by the handling unit, the unit will contact you to confirm the application content and the rate plan. If you agree to the quoted rate, just pay the fee and Chunghwa Telecom will provide you an account card and account information as needed.


Identification documents of the applicant. For company groups, attach the proof of registration documents and personal identification of the person in charge. For agencies, put the office seal on the application or present the official document, and dual identification (ID, driver's license, national health insurance card, passport).
New accounts must also provide proof of installation permission. If for use in a ship, attach the ship's registration documents or radio station license. For non-ship use, provide the project approval letter from the National Communications Commission.

Applicable equipment:

BGAN- Hughes 9201/9202/9502/9350/9450, Explorer 250/300/325/500/700/727, Sabre 1

GSPS- IsatphonePro, Isatphone 2 (NCC type certification)

FleetBroadband- Sailor 150/250/500, JUE-250/251/500/501, Felcom-250/500, FX-150/250/500


For details on handling fee, board rate plan, and remittance information, see the rate explanation.

Handling unit:

Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
Satellite Department, International Business Group
Toll-free (Taiwan region):0800-080-315
Mailing address:P.O. Box 3, Fangliao Post Office, Pingtung County 940
GPS coordinates22.270948 N, 120.658832 E

File download

Last updated: 2021/04/20

From January 2009, landline and mobile calls to Inmarsat communications have a single access code, "870".


From January 2009, landline and mobile calls to Inmarsat telephones have a single access code, "870"; at that time, 871, 872, 873, and 874 were all converted to 870.

870 is a single access code that does not distinguish ocean region. The customer dials "009+870+Inmarsat number" to automatically search for the ocean region of the intended ship, and does not need to use a different number per each ocean region, making it easier for the customer to find the ship they want to contact. 870 is already widely used, so you are encouraged to make the change to 870 as soon as possible.