TV-relay Service
Product name:
TV-relay service
Product Description:
The TV stations or TV program content providers shall deliver their TV programs like Dramas, Movies, News,or Sports to Chunghwa Telecom's Yangmingshan Earth Station.
Injection, MUX, CA, or Encoder can be provided to the customers based on the customer's needs.
Depends on the customer's needs,Single channel per carrier (SCPC) or multiple channels per carrier (MCPC) are provided to the customers.
Chunghwa Telecom. provides uplink equipment and transponder bandwidth of satellite to uplink the TV programs and then broadcast.
Chunghwa Telecom. provides C or Ku band transponder bandwidth of ST-2 satellite.
The Integrated Receiver and Decoder(IRDs) are set up to the Cable TV Headend designated by the customer and import the TV programs from the satellite.
Functions and Characteristics:
Provides comprehensive services for radio and television content providers Including satellite transponder, injection, Conditional Access(CA), encoder, ground segment of satellite, and terrestrial circuit.
Provides system architecture plan, satellite link design and other services to customers.
Based on customer needs,single channel per carrier (SCPC) or multi channel per carrier (MCPC) can be provided.
The transponder bandwidth of C-band or Ku-band of ST-2 satellite is provided by ChungHwa Telecom.
The "Yangmingshan Earth Station" in the north and the "Fangshan Earth Station" in the south can provide 24h/7d network management services and instantly monitor the quality of communications.
The Introduction for C Band Transponders of ST-2 Satellite:
120 W traveling-wave tube amplifier(TWTA)
Coverage: Asia, India, Middle East, North Africa, Northern Australia, Western Pacific, Indian Ocean
The Introduction for Ku Band Transponders of ST-2 Satellite:
150 W traveling-wave tube amplifier(TWTA)
Coverage: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
For Product Inquiries (Satellite Department, International Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd):;